The Time Is Now
How many of you been discouraged by others when the topic of taking your little ones to Disney has come up? “They are too little, they’ll never remember it, don’t wast your money, wait until they are older and can appreciate it…” I think I can safely assume that we have all been there when bringing this topic up at some time or another. What if I told you, the time is now…because here’s the thing with time; it doesn’t slow down, it doesn’t stop for anyone or anything and once it’s gone its something you’ll never get back. By definition time is the “indefinite continued progress of existence.” Our children are only children for a short amount of time and the pure magic only lasts within them for so long. I can attest that there is nothing like Disney Magic during these early years. When everything is so real, every moment is so enchanting and carefree, you can literally feel the magic through your child…there’s nothing better than that.
I didn’t fully understand what all of this meant until we took that first trip with our two (at the time) boys who were 18 months and 6 months old. We planned our trip on a whim and didn’t expect to be so enthralled with all Disney had to offer. So much so, that we have returned countless times and will continue to do so as long as our boys continue to enjoy it. If you have the desire to take your kiddo(s) to Disney, do it, don’t let anyone talk you out of it. There is no “right” age to visit. We have literally taken our boys at every age from infant to 8 years old and each trip has been rewarding. Have we faced our fair share of challenges? Absolutely! Has every day we spent in the parks been glorious? No, but there is not one trip that I can say I regret going, not one trip that I can honestly say, I wish we would have waited.
Take your tots to Disney, live in the moment, create those memories that will last a lifetime. The smiles, the laughter, the pure innocence, take it all in. Our lives are really just made up of nothing more than memories created in these moments, these little snippets in time. The memories that your children may never remember because they’re too little…but you will, these are the moments that you will never forget. The moments that bond your family, that take away from the real world and just let you be. The reality is…time is passing, they are only little for so long. The magic only exists within them for a small amount of time. Build their sense of wonder through experiences, let them explore, let them believe in the magic, feel the magic. Live every moment that you can through them, find your inner child. The time is now, the moments are passing, and the memories are waiting.